Spring is here in Naples, Florida and that means glamour species. Our area has been littered with Tarpon & Permit these last few weeks. Best part is that it’s just the beginning!
Our trips start a little earlier this time of year. Instead of us catching pilchards at 5am for 3 hours is pretty much over. Now we take our clients with us to sight cast to beautiful schools of Tarpon at sunrise. Huge pods of fish are migrating threw and give us great shots at these fish. That game is usually over by about 10am and then it’s off to the Permit grounds. Just a short jog offshore and we are graced with huge schools of Permit. All ranges from 20-50 pounds. We caught one last week that was 6 pounds shy of a Florida State record. With that being said. These fish are mean strong and will test every bit of your ability! Please get your rest and eat your Wheaties! This is a very special time of year and you can really pick some amazing fish off your bucket list. Please give us a call and we will get you a trip of a lifetime! Thank you the Bedell Captains!
Happy Easter to all of the On a Missions clients! Spring is in full swing. Everything is right where it needs to be.
The offshore fishing is really heating up. Permit and Cobia are all over the wrecks. Sight fishing for these amazing fish is quite a sight to see. Also what we love to do. These wrecks are also littered with barracuda and a plethora of different sharks and jewfish to pull on! The inshore and beach fishing has exploded this week. Thousands of Tarpon have entered our region. Huge schools of fish all over the place. Mixed in with these Tarpon are large schools of giant jacks and a lot of black tips and spinner sharks all in crystal clear water for site fishing opportunities! Also there have been footballs field of Bonita ravishing baits all along the beach. Our calendars are still very full until around the first week of May. We do have some cancellations, people missed flights, or just merely don’t show up. Please feel free to reach out to anyone of our captains to try to capitalize on one of the spots for your family. Also try booking early we have lots of spots in May and June and this spring fishing is only going to get better! Have a safe and happy Easter tight lines thank you the Bedell Captains. April is here and someone really needs to turn the fan off! We have been dealing with some crazy wind for this time of the year. We have only been able to sneak offshore two days in the last 3 weeks. As you can see it’s paid off!
The offshore fishery has been supplying some of the best permit fishing I’ve seen this early in the season in a long time. Large football field size schools swimming all around these wrecks from 25 pounders all the way up to 40s. These wrecks have also been holding a healthy amount of Cobia, Barracuda‘s, Bonitas, sharks and lots of snappers for the table! The inshore and backcountry have been very solid and really the only game right now with all of this weather. The redfish have still been in the area and eating well. Lots of Trout, Jacks, smaller Snook, the larger ones have been hiding.Ha! Also good numbers of micro tarpon around in the 5-30 range. Even big ol late season triple tail in the mix! Our trips in April is disappearing by the hour. I believe we have 2 days available left this month. That’s for both boats. Please still reach out, we have cancellations and clients that miss their flights all the time. Plan accordingly and we are looking forward to getting you on the water! Tight lines! The Bedell Captains. The fishing the first week of March has been nothing less than remarkable. To say Spring has sprung is an understatement! What has been happening around here feels more like the Bahamas and Central America than possibly Naples, Florida!
The offshore fishing seems that everything is months early than it should be. We have literally been bouncing off thousand fish schools of permit this last week. Three different sized football field schools of tailing, wagging and daisy chaining permit all from 15 to 40 pounds! Toss your crab in the middle and hold on! Also in the schools of Permit are wolf packs of Cobia ranging from 20 to 50 pounds. These fish will literally eat anything you throw out on from a jig, plug or well-placed live bait always does the trick! We really can’t leave this one out either. After releasing a permit on Saturday Capt Weston looked over and found a beautiful sailfish. Captain Perry quickly grabbed a bait to site fish this beautiful pelagic! Absolute unicorn in these parts and very very rare. The last time the onamissionfishingcharters team caught a sailfish in the gulf it was 1996. What’s even crazier than the Sailfish is we were graced with a beautiful white shark the day before. This 8 foot juvenile great white was not scared of us at all. It was almost sizing us up, what an amazing creature still very rare in these parts! The back country fishing is absolutely coming alive as well. The giant snook are moving in off the wrecks and setting up in their usual haunts! The spawn should be around May and all the big girls eat! Redfish are still about on every shoreline along with jacks and even some trout and mangrove snapper for the table if you like! The tarpon should be here any day now. There have been some juveniles in the back country from 5 to 30 pounds. The big ones should be here any day! We have already seen a few rogue fish! Now if all this doesn’t get your arms tired we still have more sharks to pull on than anybody probably wants to. From black tips and spinners to sand bars and bulls. Even the occasional tiger and hammerhead will still show up! We are getting ready to enter one of the busiest seasons of the year. March is already gearing up to be very busy while we have almost one boat already booked. Still plenty of room left on the second boat to get your family on the water. April and May are following suit! We have also now added online booking to our website. Naplesoffshorefishingcharters.com you can go on there and book your charter at any time. Even when we are offshore out of range from any cell phone towers. So please book accordingly and visit the site, it’s very easy and walks you right through it! We hope to get you and your family out on the water, thank you from all the captains at On A Mission! |
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