We have been following our standard summer protocol down here in Naples, FL. The typical species have been around in the summer heat and they’ve all been complying nicely. Big Snook and Permit have been steady targets with plenty of Barracudas and goliaths around to fill in the gaps. This is hands down the best time of the year to target large Snook as they’ve been on every wreck we fish.
What’s so great about this time of the year is how hungry and aggressive the fish can be. Higher water temps mean a sped up metabolism in all the fish so it’s very rare to get refusals this time of year. It’s been a great summer so far and it’s far from over. Looking forward to the coming months with our clients. Please reach out to any of our captains regarding any questions.
It’s been the same story this whole winter thus far. Nonstop cold fronts have kept things cool and rough but we’re still making it work. Fishing nearshore wrecks and the backcountry have kept things in motion and have kept rods bent! There have been many good meals caught recently with lots of Snapper and Sheepshead around. We’ve also had a lot of sharks around to add a little bit of sport into our charters as well. Still some stray Cobia and Snook being caught to fill the gaps. One thing we have to look forward to is once this wind subsides the Cobia and Permit fishing will be epic! We’re filling numerous trips daily for February and March. This is a good time to get your trips in our calendar before things get crazy!
With the recent temperature drop down into the high 40s and nothing but stiff north wind for the foreseeable future it’s safe to say winter is here. As we move into winter fishing things will change inshore and offshore. Lots of backcountry fish will head way back into the shallow creeks seeking refuge from the cold and dirty water. Our prime inshore targets during the winter are Redfish, Trout, and sheepshead with some Snook mixed in as well. Offshore fishing in between the fronts when the wind lets up can be extremely good.
When you get a chance to get out there after things have been cold, dirty and rough the fish are always starving! The typical staples we target will be around with some additional ones like kingfish and sheepshead showing up on the scene. We are booking numerous trips daily for the holiday week and the month of January. Please feel free to reach out to any of us for any questions you may have or to get a trip in the book! -The Bedell Captain’s Well, we have been completely blessed with a very short winter. The weather and fishing conditions have been more like a spring then winter. The fishing around here has been incredible to say the least.
With air temps in the 80s water temperature in the mid-70s and no cold fronts in sight. We are all very excited about the work we have the next month. I can’t believe that we just rounded up January and we have been site casting to schools of Permit & Cobia off the inshore wrecks here in Naples. Absolutely crazy! The Permit have been ranging from 10 pounds to some high, mid 30s mixed in. They have been eating hand pick select shrimp very well, and even a few of the larger ones gobbling crabs. It’s nice to have a little mixed bag of both. The Wolfpack Cobia been showing up on the nice calm days and when the water gets in the mid 70s. Fish ranging from 5 pounds all the way to the mid 30s. Packs of twos. Packs of sevens. Even larger schools of 20s all around the boat. They are eating everything you throw at them. Have some larger tackle ready to go from jigs, plugs, and a variety of live baits. So between all that fun. Take one of those hand pics shrimp. Or a crab. Or a giant sardine. Or a pin fish and we have been putting on some Snook clinics. All slot fish even some larger 40s mixed in. We had one pop the leader at the boat today that was in the 20 pounds range. If this isn’t enough for you, the snapper and sheep head bite have been next to none. Great table fair, great fishing to do in between the difficult game fish bites and always nice to have a little groceries at the table for the family. We have both boats back up and running full-time now. Captain Perry’s boat just got back from a full rebuild and she is shiny brand new with a cherry on top. This is a perfect sister boat to our Sabalo and we are looking forward to getting her in the mix as of tomorrow. With that being said, please book accordingly, there already have had large chunks of our calendars taken out of February, March, April, May, and even June have been getting extremely busy. These months are prime time for permit and tarpon, and a lot of our clients have been listening over the years because a lot of those dates have been getting sucked up! Please don’t sleep on any of these amazing trips coming up in the future. We look forward to getting you on the water with our amazing team, tight lines everyone. Thank you the Bedell Captains. The transition from Thanksgiving to December has been a pretty amazing week of fishing.
Things are pretty much back to normal here in Naples, Florida. Lots of family tourist are in town. Our books are very busy. The weather is beautiful & fishing is off the charts. Let’s start offshore. That’s where we’ve been fishing for the majority of the time since the beginning of October. If you time it right and keep your eye on the weather, you can cherry pick some amazing days for your family. The cobia fishing still remains as solid as can be. There are still wolf packs, trains, herds, schools, whatever you wanna call it they’re everywhere. These curious fish are all over the water column. Frisky live bait or a well place jig or even a plethora of assorted Topwater plugs will get destroyed by these fish. Let’s not forget about the table fair. These fish are delicious prepared anyway. You cannot mess them up. Although there has been a new rule adjustment this year these fish used to be 33 inches minimum to the fork now they are 36 inches to the fork. We have been catching a lot of smaller fish in 2021 models. Which are still fun site fished. Take a great photograph and released for next season. Also, on these wrecks, we have been in countering incredibly large schools of Jack’s. All sizes from 5 to 20 pounds. These large packs of fish, just ravish and destroy anything insight. Toss a top water plug out in the middle and watch it get destroyed. Very cool stuff to witness. Also, a large variety of Apex sharks. From bulls to sandbars, lemons, even occasional tiger, and hammerhead have been stopping by. These are great fish for the whole family. There’s no shame in the game and passing the rod over and letting everybody grab a turn. It’s incredible to feel the immense power these fish have, and it’s always great to see all the smiling faces. Now, if that’s not enough for you, drop one of those chunks to the bottom and hold on with everything you got. The goliath grouper have been stopping by and visiting as well. We’ve been getting fish from 20 pounds all the way up to 150 these fish are dinosaurs. They eat anything and everything in sight and this is also a get the whole family involved because it’s very hard to do solo. Our month is getting very busy. Lots of people in town. Lots of beautiful weather around. Our books are jamming all month especially the end. If you or your family has any ideas of going out on one of our excursions, please let anyone of our captains know. We would love to get you and your family on the water this holiday season. Please have a safe one and we will see you on the water. Thank you, the Bedell Captains. If one fish has definitely been a staple this month. It’s been the Cobia! The Cobia fishing in Naples has been incredible for the last few months. Also with the numbers of fish that we were seeing we don’t see it stopping anytime soon!
These fish can be an amazing sight fishing opportunity! For the most part. They’re not very picky. We’ve been hooking them anywhere from straight off the bottom. The mid water column. Even picking off fish at the surface from the tower. Most of the time with a hooked fish on the bottom. Halfway through the fight he will bring up lots of friends. That’s when we’re ready with any kind of artificial, jigs, even flies. Great opportunities happen very quickly! The wrecks have also been providing great table fare of mangrove snapper. Along side with these great tasting cobia makes for a nice mixed bag meal! We are completely gearing up and getting ready for the holiday season. We are taking the delivery of our complete restore of our second boat this weekend it is 100% brand new from bottom to top. This area took a devastating hit just a short time ago, but everything is open and we are anxious and ready to get back to work and get you on the water! In this downtime we have also started a YouTube channel for OAM team called Guide’s Day Off. Please check it out. Thank you the Bedell Captains. We have finally reached prefall status in Naples, Florida. All of the usual suspects are around. We are wide open to put your family on some amazing fishing!
This is the slowest month of the year. Also a great month to tighten everything up and get ready for season. That is exactly what we’re doing. We are also taking advantage of this beautiful weather and no one around! I must say we do not mind this time of the year at all. Gives us the time to catch up on some things. We have one of our boats being redone and of course getting out and enjoying some time on the water with family is always nice. Lots of great fishing still to be had around here. The cobia have been a staple on every trip. Whether with clients or playing. FWC just changed the regulations on Cobia. They are now 36 inches to the fork and a lot of these fish are 2021 models. Unfortunately they don’t get to come home but they are great fight on light tackle. Also there have been some bigger ones lurking around we have lost quite a few at the boat. A few even to some big bull sharks. On the table fair side. The mangrove snapper bite has been incredible. These fish are not huge but incredibly tasty. The ones that have been coming over the gunnels you don’t even need to measure. When we knock those sides off it’s straight chicken breast size and we have been enjoying fish tacos over here once a week. Now, let’s revisit the Permit. Lots of fish still around. We have been finding some schools in all sizes. The little dinner plates from 10 to 15 pounds. Even some bigger bruisers in the 25 to 35 pound class are still patrolling a few wrecks. Our schedules are pretty wide-open even with one boat we’re doing about 2 to 3 trips a week right now. With that being said we have lots of flexibility if you need to flip a day because of weather. Or maybe you need to add another person to your party because it grows. We can accommodate to all of those things this time of the year. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to anyone of our captains. Thank you the Bedell Captains. We have made it to August and the last month of summer. Things are already starting to change gears in Naples, Florida.
The Permit game still remains solid when weather conditions being where they need to be. Lots of afternoon showers and wind direction all over the place has made it difficult to get to the grounds. Once you arrive. We have been greeted with some dirty water. Still some fish in the area and site fishing has pretty much disappeared. Soaking a well placed crab in the right area will be rewarded! Bring that extra bag of patience. With this unstable wind and weather. We have retreated into the near shore Wrecks. Seems like a lot of the larger snook have moved out of the back country and to these near shore structures. They are very large and most of them not much smaller than 20 pounds. These inshore structures also hold a variety of barracudas, goliath groupers, mangrove snappers, Spanish mackerel, and a mixed bag of sharks to keep all anglers busy. With the last month of summer approaching we are already starting to see some fall patterns. Our pilchards hatch is all small and starting from scratch. These are growing every day and yet small are very useable and have been getting the job done! Our calendars are still quite busy for this time of the year. We did put one boat into the shop for repairs. We will be getting her back around Halloween. With us being down to one boat has been tricky to try to get some trips in but we are still getting it done. With this being said. I would still reach out to anyone of our captains when you have those fishing dates available. Thank you. The Bedell Captains. The mid June fishing report for Naples Florida. Ever since tropical storm one went through two weeks ago we have been dealing with some serious weather. Lots of rain. Scattered showers and straight west winds made our fishery very interesting!
Our boats have not stopped and we have been fishing with this weather every day. We have been making the best of it. Also there are plenty of fish around ready to chew. The Tarpon fishery off the beach got interesting with 2 to 4 foot swells every day made it near impossible. We dialed our resources into the back and found some nice fish in the 4 foot water depth. These fish were eating a variety of cut bait. Which is very nice, you can get away with usually larger leader and larger hooks. Also nice mix bag of sharks in the same area. Mostly blacktips, spinners and bulls are really fun to pull on in between the tarpon. Also, the snook fishing in the back has really tuned up. We have been catching between 50 and 60 snook pretty much on every half day Charter. Most fish in the slot size with a couple bigger ones breaking off close to the boat. They have been absolute snook rodeos great action for beginning anglers and fun for the whole family! Let’s fast forward a little bit and to where the wind finally stops. As of the last couple days we have slipped into our summer patterns. Northeast to East wind has made it flat along the beach and opened up the doors for some site fishing for Tarpon in crystal clear water. This is the game we love! On that same note the offshore permit are still here and still chewing! Monster behemoth 40 inchers have been coming over the gunnels of the OAM teams boats for a quick photo and then released quickly you fight again. As having both of our boats in the mix it still feels like March. Our phones are still exploding with late caller’s and last-minute shoppers. These all have been coming after our daily post of Tarpon and permit. These posts get shared talked among friends and family and Charters are usually booked the next day. So please plan accordingly. If you or your family would love to get in on any of this incredible fishery we have right now please let anyone of our captains know. Thank you the Bedell Captains! Happy Easter to all of the On a Missions clients! Spring is in full swing. Everything is right where it needs to be.
The offshore fishing is really heating up. Permit and Cobia are all over the wrecks. Sight fishing for these amazing fish is quite a sight to see. Also what we love to do. These wrecks are also littered with barracuda and a plethora of different sharks and jewfish to pull on! The inshore and beach fishing has exploded this week. Thousands of Tarpon have entered our region. Huge schools of fish all over the place. Mixed in with these Tarpon are large schools of giant jacks and a lot of black tips and spinner sharks all in crystal clear water for site fishing opportunities! Also there have been footballs field of Bonita ravishing baits all along the beach. Our calendars are still very full until around the first week of May. We do have some cancellations, people missed flights, or just merely don’t show up. Please feel free to reach out to anyone of our captains to try to capitalize on one of the spots for your family. Also try booking early we have lots of spots in May and June and this spring fishing is only going to get better! Have a safe and happy Easter tight lines thank you the Bedell Captains. |
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